It was adapted into a 26-episode anime television series titled BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad, by Madhouse and aired on TV Tokyo from October 2004 to March 2005. A live-action film adaptation was released in 2010 and stars Hiro Mizushima as Ryusuke and Takeru Satoh as Koyuki. The series has also spawned three guidebooks, four soundtracks, a video game and a line of guitars.
Enjoy the song Follow Me by Beck Mongolian Chop Squad.
Follow me
Baby, I won't let you leave if you believe in me
And I always set you free from all those yesteryears
But you don't know how much
I got believe in you
I was starting at your shoulder shivering
In such A coldest summer breeze
mean while I wonder why we're here
Look for the line between love and friends
we'll Be twisting ourselves again
I was standing at the corner on the street
Watching the wheels are turning free
Waiting to Back up on My feet
Reading a Line between Night and Day
I'll be twisting Myself Again
:D senyum senyum.. suka lagu ni?? ^^