Opportunities and motivation are connected. Motivated people see opportunities, and opportunities are often what motivate people.
Great attitudes precede great opportunities. Who you are determines what you see.
Today is the best day for an opportunity. Opportunity always takes "now" for an answer.
Opportunities are the result of pluck, not luck. The people who succeed seek out opportunities, and if they can't find them, they create them.
Opportunities dont present themselves in ideal circumstances. If you wait for all the light to turn green, you will never leave your driveway.
Opportunity without commitment will be lost. Abandoned opportunities are never lost - they are simply pursued by the competition.
Opportunities is birthed out of problem. If you're looking for a BIG opportunity, find a BIG problem.
Opportunities either multiply or disappear. The more opportunities you pursue, the more you find behind them.
Opportunities must be nourished if they are to survived. As Peter Drucker, the father of management, says, "Feed an opportunity ; starve a problem."
To do a common thing uncommonly
well brings success.